12 Paris Outfits & Trend Report | Chriselle Lim

by Chriselle Lim

12 Paris Outfits & Trend Report | Chriselle Lim


Sharing a lookbook of my favorite outfits I wore during Paris Fashion Week and a little recap on what I saw I m so grateful to share and attend these shows with you all Let me know in the comments below what you re favorite show and look of the season was Shop the Michael Kors Watch here FTC this video was made in collaboration with Michael KorsPREVIOUS EPISODESWhat I Really Eat During Fashion WeekMy Million Dollar Fashion Week Closet TourMy Current Fall Makeup RoutineFOLLOW ME SUBSCRIBE for weekly uploads on Monday Thursday MORE FASHION BEAUTY VIDEOSSNAPCHAT ChrisellelimBUSINESS INQUIRIES idalia chriselleinc com



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