50 Hand Embroidery Stitches: Beginners Tutorials by HandiWorks

by HandiWorks

50 Hand Embroidery Stitches: Beginners Tutorials by HandiWorks


Hand Embroidery Stitches for Beginners Learning hand embroidery is both fun and relaxing plus it s an easy way to create beautiful art with fabric and thread Getting started in embroidery may seem intimidating at first but most patterns only require a few basic stitches and our stitching tutorials fit the bill Whether you re a new stitcher or an advanced beginner if you learn these 50 essential stitches you ll be ready to tackle just about any embroidery project that comes your way 1 Running Stitch 2 Back Stitch 3 Stem Stitch4 Chain Stitch 5 Chevron stitch 6 French Knot7 Pistil Stitch 8 Satin Stitch 9 Fishbone Stitch10 Fly Stitch 11 Feather Stitch 12 Buttonhole Stitch13 Cretan Stitch 14 Weaving Stitch 15 Interlaced Running Stitch16 Pekinese Stitch 17 Split stitch 18 Outline Stitch19 Palestrina Stitch 20 Heavy Chain Stitch 21 Cable Chain22 Twisted Chain 23 Petal Chain Stitch 24 Brided Chain Stitch25 Rope Stitch 26 Rosette Stitch 27 Crested chain28 Coral Stitch 29 Pearl Knot Stitch 30 Bullion Knot31 Basque Knot 32 Buttonhole Bar 33 Knotted Cretan34 Lazy Daisy 35 Long Tailed Daisy 36 Wheatear Stitch37 Raised Chain Band 38 Cast on Stitch 39 Scroll Stitch40 Knotted Diamond Stitch 41 Indian Edging stitch 42 Vandyke Stitch43 Eastern Stitch 44 Surrey Stitch 45 Knotted Blanket Stitch46 Whipped Wheel stitch 47 Woven Trellis Stitch 48 Interlaced Square Herringbone49 Breton Stitch 50 Chinese Knot Contact me on ihandworks gmail com Stitches Embroidery Beginners Amazon Subscribe to other Channels Track Info Nostalgic and Sad Piano Inspiring Story Relaxing AShamaluevMusic



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