7 Watercolor Christmas Card Ideas for Beginners ♡ Maremis Small Art ♡

by Maremi SmallArt

7 Watercolor Christmas Card Ideas for Beginners ♡ Maremis Small Art ♡


for more inspirations My online Class Kit My stencils stickers I would love to see your projects please use hashtags maremismallart so I can see your makes Get in touch have you got any questions Feel free to email me my Email craft artwork gmail com Thank you for watching YOUR SUPPORT Hugs kisses and smiles Marta xx



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폭신하고 촉촉해서 맛있는 연유 카스테라를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡ ...


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娘のピアノの演奏でテンションが上がったのか、テンションが高いデコ豆を見て娘が選曲したのかは不明ですが、暴れまわるオデコと豆大福がかわいいです^^ 最後は言わんこっちゃない状態になりますが、懲りてない様子の豆大福がまたかわいいです♬

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🎶Duh duh duhnuh duh duh duhnuh🎶