8 Ways You Didnt Know You Could Use Your Lipsticks!

by Tina Yong

8 Ways You Didnt Know You Could Use Your Lipsticks!


In today s video I show you 8 useful ways you can use your lipsticks other than on your lips If you enjoyed this video and want to see more Like and Subscribe to my channel Lipsticks Used MAC Siss Chanel Imagination Rouge Allure__________________________ CHECK OUT MY VLOG CHANNEL __________________________ LET S BE FRIENDS TINA_ SnapChat tina_yong ALFRED SnapChat alfarrr__________________________ EQUIPMENT I USE Editing Program Adobe Premier Pro CCDisclaimer This video is not sponsored All thoughts and opinions are my own Some of the links provided above are affiliate links meaning I do make a small commission when you purchase using the link This does not cost you extra You can also purchase from the brand s websites so don t feel obliged to use my link if you don t want to Thanks for all your support xx




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