A very happy wolf

by Sarah and the Wolves

A very happy wolf


Lakomi is an upper mid content wolfdog who lives in a sanctuary She was found surviving in the wild at 8 months old however it quickly became apparent that she had been bred and partially raised in captivity At the time of her rescue she was wearing a harness intended for an 8 week old Her skin had grown over the harness and removing it took hours of surgery and months of medication to fight an infection that nearly took her life When I first got to the sanctuary I was told that she was crazy and wouldn t ever be socialized Her enclosure has fences that are 14 feet high because she would routinely jump or climb up 12 foot fencing and hang by her jaw at the top Since I began working on socialization with her that behavior has stopped She took about two months of daily exposure before she would allow physical contact but once that wall came down she quickly became playful sweet loving and my personal favorite animal in our charge Lakomi is a gorgeous example of the redemptive power of love and being able to know her is one of the greatest privileges of my life A side note the fur on her belly is thin because she had been spayed several months prior to this video She is entirely healthy




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