Animal Adventure Parks April the Giraffe - Live Birth - Archive footage

by Animal Adventure Park

Animal Adventure Parks April the Giraffe - Live Birth - Archive footage


In case you missed it here s the recorded footage of April giving birth to her baby boy Animal Adventure ParkHarpursville NYwww TheAnimalAdventurePark comDaily Updates at Official April the Giraffe Apparelwww wwsport com r AprilTheGiraffeInspired to sponsor our Giraffes We have a safe platform form gifting linked below THINGS TO KNOW April is 15 her 4th calf April has never lost a calf nor had a stillborn Oliver is 5 his 1st calfThey have some of the largest indoor stalls in the nation sq ft per animal We take pride in our indoor housing and the level of enrichment and care to keep them happy and healthy Unsafe weather and yard conditions may limit their yard access The calf will weigh around 150lb and will be about 6 tall at birth The front hooves will come out first followed by the snout Mom will naturally raise the calf with weaning could take between 6 10 months maybe longer We will not rush this process it is just a documented range of captive weaning Once the calf is born we will have a contest to name it The keepers will go in with April clean her pen give her treats but not Oliver He is a bull and a bull is a bull is a bull Giraffes are pregnant for 15 months on averageUpon naturally weaning the calf will move on to another facility to start a breeding program there We cannot retain offspring as it would lead to incestuous mating and undermine the genetics of the program and species Those things on their heads are called ossicones Bulls male giraffes only really care about two things fighting and the unmentionable Oliver may share space with April but for short periods Bulls take no part in rearing young They eat hay and specialized giraffe diet but love romaine lettuce and carrot treats April s water source enrichment and solo hay feeder are out of sight of the camera view This is Animal Adventure s first giraffe calf



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