Big egg waffle with whipped cream and fresh fruits - korean food

by Yummy Yammy

Big egg waffle with whipped cream and fresh fruits - korean food


Hello This is the yummy yammy channel it is a channel with the purpose of introducing various food and street foodAre you ready to travel together ℹ InformationToday s food is egg waffles Unlike other stores the waffles here are filled with many whipped cream Fruits are purchased directly from the market daily and toppings with fresh fruits Perhaps the largest egg waffle in Korea 대구 송해공원에 위치한 라끄라보떼 입니다 이곳은 에그 와플로 유명한곳이며 사장님이 매일시장에가서 신선한 과일을 사와 토핑하며 영상과 같이 에그와플에 휘핑크림을 가득 채워주십니다 커피 각종음료와 디저트 빙수 를 판매중입니다 Location 301 3F 671 4 Giseri Okpo myeon Dalseong gun Daegu Metropolitan City 대구광역시 달성군 옥포면 기세리 671 4번지 3층 301호 google map korean streetfood waffles



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