BRIGHT COLORS / Coloured Shading and Markers / ABSTRACT PAINTING | Aduro

by John Beckley

BRIGHT COLORS / Coloured Shading and Markers / ABSTRACT PAINTING | Aduro


In this video I make an abstract painting with acrylic paint I used very bright colours and made shadows and gave depth with the background colours I used markers to make black lines The canvas frame measures 80x80cmI hope you enjoy this video and that it will give you the desire and motivation to practice abstract painting JohnDVD subtitled and dubbed in English Hurry This FREE Offer Won t Last long ஜ PAINTINGLESSON TV ஜDo you enjoy my abstract painting demo and wish to learn about abstract painting in more detail from the comforts of your own home Discover PaintingLesson and get access to my painting tutorial with audio explanations NEWSLETTER To receive my advice directly on the abstract painting in your mailbox but also to enjoy my experience on the life of artist join my free newsletter by clicking below ஜ SUBSCRIPTION ஜThanks for watching If you have enjoyed this video subscribe to support me and automatically receive future videos If you have any questions please ask them in the comments Links You can follow me here My Website Social Network SEND STUFF TO John Beckley10 lot de la noue de givry51130 Villers aux boisFRANCE Music by John Beckley



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