China Jianbing / Pohang Korea / Korean Street Food / 차이나 젠빙 / 포항 영일만친구 야시장

by 푸디보이 FoodieBoy

China Jianbing / Pohang Korea / Korean Street Food / 차이나 젠빙 / 포항 영일만친구 야시장


ℹ Information 차이나 젠빙 China Jianbing Price KRW 3 500 USD 2 9 Location 경상북도 포항시 북구 신흥동 1018 2 1018 2 Sinheung dong Buk gu Pohang si Gyeongsangbuk do Republic of Korea Google Map Naver Map Kakao Map MusicNone CommentThank you so much for Watching my VideosHave a good time and feel free to Subscribe my Channel 푸디보이 FoodieBoy E Mail foodieboy sandbox co kr All Made by FoodieBoyDirected Created Written Edited CopyrightCopyright 2017 FoodieBoy All Rights Reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws



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