Hurricane Swiss Roll 飓风蛋糕卷

by Kathrine Kwa

Hurricane Swiss Roll  飓风蛋糕卷


Ingredients for cake 4 egg yolks 蛋黄 1 egg 全蛋 20g caster sugar 细砂糖 1 8 tsp salt 盐 60g corn oil 玉米油 60ml milk 鲜奶 100g plain flour 普通面粉 10g corn flour 玉米粉 1 tbsp cocoa powder 可可粉 2 tbsp hot water 热水 4 egg whites 蛋白 80g caster sugar 细砂糖 Filling 150g butter 牛油 70g caster sugar 细砂糖 50ml water 水 1 slice of lemon 一片柠檬



DIY Hair Comb Tutorial. Hairst...

  • by Gilda Workshop 1002

Welcome back to Gilda Workshop! As I promised I made a new video for you! We will make a beautiful hair comb with flowers, drops, ...