謎のニャンコ登場で大騒ぎ!しているのは犬だけであった Who...
もも「きたー!きたきたきたー!!!」ドタバタ 天「誰が来たんだ?」 もも「分かんない!」 天「何しに来たんだ?」 もも「わかんない!」 天「ももは一体何を騒いでるんだ?」 もも「わかんない!」 天「・・・(´-ω-`)さて寝るか」
I love how this wreath turned out I think using a grapevine form instead of a wire form is actually easier I felt like I had something more substantial to hold on to I had planned on adding a bunch of adornments to this one oranges cinnamon sticks lotus pods and possibly an ornament but by the time I got all the greens attached I liked it just as it was Remember if you re a beginner and don t end up with a very well balanced wreath you can always individually wire smaller bundles into the thin parts to even it up or break out the hot glue Nothing wrong with that Thanks so much for watching I hope you feel inspired to make your own wreath Laura Faux Materials From the Florist Silver Dollar EucalyptusSalalFrom my garden Blue SpruceLeyland CypressArborvitaeOther Supplies Dried Oranges homemade line a baking sheet w parchment paper or a silpat place thinly sliced oranges on sheet bake at 200 degrees F for 3 4 hours MORE LINKS FOLLOW ME HERE Email contact gardenanswer com ABOUT ME My name is Laura and I along with my husband make gardening videos I live in Eastern Oregon and garden in a zone 5 My parents own an independent garden center that I ve worked at for over 10 years PACKAGES FAN MAIL Garden Answer580 S Oregon StOntario Oregon 97914 BRANDS WE PARTNER WITH
もも「きたー!きたきたきたー!!!」ドタバタ 天「誰が来たんだ?」 もも「分かんない!」 天「何しに来たんだ?」 もも「わかんない!」 天「ももは一体何を騒いでるんだ?」 もも「わかんない!」 天「・・・(´-ω-`)さて寝るか」
▽ 영상 아래 더보기 클릭 ! ('구독'과 '좋아요' 감사합니다 ☺)
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