COLOURPOP Mauve Collection Eye + Face Swatches!

by ThatGirlShaeXo

COLOURPOP Mauve Collection Eye + Face Swatches!


Hey guys today we are live swatching the new Colourpop Mauve Collection 10 OFF Colourpop Code SHAE Discount Code THATGIRLSHAEXOSave 10 w code SHAEXO All Stared Links Are Affiliate ______________________________________PRODUCTS MENTIONED 10 OFF Colourpop Code SHAE FTC ALL LINKS ARE AFFILIATEFTC ALL LINKS ARE AFFILIATE______________________________________ SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS SNAPCHAT thatgirlshaexoINSTAGRAM thatgirlshaexoTWITTER thatgirlshaexoBUSINESS INQUIRIES business beaufreshmedia com FOR PR PLEASE EMAIL thatgirlshaexo gmail com ______________________________________PRODUCTS MENTIONED FTC This video is not sponsored



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