DIY FIRST AID POUCH | Multi Pouch with Face Mask Pocket Tutorial [sewingtimes]

by sewingtimes

DIY FIRST AID POUCH | Multi Pouch with Face Mask Pocket Tutorial [sewingtimes]


DIY FIRST AID POUCH Multi Pouch with Face Mask Pocket Tutorial sewingtimes Just follow the step by step instructions and you will have your own Pouch Share this video with a lot of people who need it Have a good time Finished size 17 6¾ W 15 6 H MaterialsOuter layer fabric 1 17 11 6¾ 4⅜ 1 17 22 6¾ 8¾ Lining fabric 1 17 19 5 6¾ 7¾ 1 17 14 5 6¾ 5¾ 1 27 27 10¾ 10¾ 1 17 4 6¾ 1⅝ 1 17 2 5 6¾ 1 1 17 11 6¾ 4⅜ 1 17 11 6¾ 4⅜ 1 17 12 6¾ 4¾ 1 8 9 3¾ 3½ Zipper 2 15 6 DIY FIRST AID POUCH BLOGView other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound happiness sewingtimes diyPouch MaskPouch



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