[Eng Sub] 今年中秋,我翻了这款月饼的牌儿 Custard Mooncake with running egg yolk filling *4K【曼食慢语】

by 曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes

[Eng Sub] 今年中秋,我翻了这款月饼的牌儿 Custard Mooncake with running egg yolk filling *4K【曼食慢语】


Introduction 曼食慢语 中秋 节 每年我都要自己动手做月饼 今年有好多人说想看我做一个特别红 大家都特别喜欢 还特别难买的奶黄流心月饼 自己做过后更能体会到为什么大家都这么爱它了 月饼切开之后 那迷人的 流心 奶香浓郁的奶黄馅 再配上薄薄香香的月饼皮 太诱人了 IngredientsRunning egg yolk filling of mooncake 3 salted egg yolk 45g 10g milk powder50g cream20g fine sugara slice of cheese流心 咸蛋黄3个 45g 奶粉10g奶油50g细砂糖20g芝士片1片Custard of mooncake 3 eggs150g cream1 2 tsp vanilla extract30g milk powder50g fine sugar30g butter2 salted egg yolk50g cake floura slice of cheese奶黄 鸡蛋3个奶油150g香草精1 2小勺奶粉30g细砂糖50g黄油30g咸蛋黄2个低筋面粉50g芝士1片Pastry of mooncake 36g honey36g condensed milk36g butter100g cake flour20g corn starch外皮 蜂蜜36g炼乳36g黄油36g低筋面粉100g玉米淀粉20g Latest Video 5 Overnight oats cup for breakfast Spiderman pizza Budae jjigae Matcha Mousse Cake Mung Bean Cake 淘宝店铺 曼食慢语新浪微博 Amanda的小厨房微信公众号 amandatastes



ももがママに怒られた理由 This is the reaso...

  • by Momo and Tenももと天 1456

天「ママそれくらいにしてももを許すニャ。ももはごめんなさいニャ」 もも「やだ!(`・ω・´)ツーン」 ママ「もーもー!ヽ(`Д´)ノゴラァ」 天「(パパ早く帰ってきてー)」