Flosstube 160: Keep it Under 30 Minutes? No Problem.....

by Michelle Bendy Stitchy

Flosstube 160: Keep it Under 30 Minutes? No Problem.....


Contact Me Email bendystitchy gmail com Best New Thing Emily C Eclectic Possessions is having a fundraiser Announcement I m donating my Etsy check from June 1 7 to Campaign Zero FFO ALL THE THINGS in my journal Finish Peruvian Birds from my Patreon WIPs Trimming the Tree by Me BSSnowmanSALQS Twilight by HAED and James Christensen LoveConquersCancerSALMelancholy by Notforgotten Farm Flosses Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe CureForMelancholySAL Purchases Flosstubers Mentioned Charity of the Month Velosano a fundraiser for Cleveland Clinic Contact information for our team email Alicia resiststitch2018 gmail com



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