Funny Huskies Reaction To My Kids Crying Prank! [WITH CAPTIONS] [MALE V FEMALE V PUPPY]

by milperthusky

Funny Huskies Reaction To My Kids Crying Prank! [WITH CAPTIONS] [MALE V FEMALE V PUPPY]


Soooo hello everyone Ohhhhh myyyyyy This is one of the cutest videos we have ever taken And can we just say wow what a good actor kade is hahaha He really got in the roll for this one hahahah Is it just me that could actually imagine the huskies saying all of these captions haha Comment below what you think Hope this melts you as much as it does for me Hope you all keeping safe and happy Love you all Thanks for watching



看起來很兇狠的嘻哈妝 有嗎?!

  • by IGisele 1833

快來訂閱我的頻道 ► 老實講拍這集的展示畫面我一直想笑場 不過看起來蠻兇的 跟平常很不一樣 XD 雖然我知道你們比較喜歡我化淡妝 但是本人臉是喜感的臉 淡妝就沒那種嘻哈臉了阿~~~

[프랑스 자수] 2020 Calendar Embroid...

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🍬2020 자수 달력 재료 DIY 키트 (네이버 스토어팜 '8월 한 달 10%할인')