Healing Watercolor Art | Evening sun landscape

by Watercolor by Shibasaki

Healing Watercolor Art |  Evening sun  landscape


Healing Watercolor landscape painting Evening sunHello everyone I m Shibasaki watercolor Artist Today I will show you how to paint Evening sun landscape in the video so please watch it until the end Please subscribe to my channel The Perfect Watercolor Palette Watercolor for Beginners Instagram 柴崎春通水彩画講座 Steemit Twitter Contact info watercolor gmail comMusic Atelier Amacha



고양이는 칫솔을 좋아해ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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고양이들에게 커다란 엄마고양이 혓바닥은 어떤 느낌일까요? 오늘은 고양이들에게 빗 대신 칫솔로 그루밍을 해주었어요. 그루밍보다 양치질이 시급한 똥고양이도 있었지만요!

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洗濯ばさみを編みくるんで猫を作りました 手が動くので、何かを掴んだり物につかまったり出来ます 小さいのも大きのも可愛いと思います