How To Draw An Iris | Floral Illustration

by Shayda Campbell

How To Draw An Iris | Floral Illustration


SUPPLIES ADDITIONAL TUTORIALS CONNECT W ME MY MOST USED ART SUPPLIES These are the products that I d want with me on a deserted island cuz I d obviously have lots of time for watercolor and hand lettering Pens Paints Papers Sketchbooks THEME MUSIC Music by Tobu Disclaimer Shayda Campbell is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for individuals to earn fees by linking to Amazon com and affiliated sites The cost to you for these products is the same but Shayda earns a small commission and that keeps the channel alive Win win



[유럽자수] 자수덕후의 Vlog 메디치 자수와 수다 c...

  • by Love J Handmade- embroidery 898

쉬는날~ 자수덕후인 저는 따뜻한 커피 한잔과 요즘 유행하는 메디치 자수를 하면서 시간을 보냈답니다...^^ 쉬는날 좋아하는것을 하면서 보내는 시간은 정말 행복한것 같아요 여러분도 저와함께 따뜻하고 편안한 시간이 되었나요??