How to: Winter Icicle Nail Art Tutorial - Creative Super Long Nails Extensions

by Nika Nails

How to: Winter Icicle Nail Art Tutorial - Creative Super Long Nails Extensions


In this video lesson I will show you how to do winter icicle super long nails using poly gel and gel technique at home I hope you enjoy this video and thanks for watching 1 05 buff your nail1 20 dehydrate your nails1 44 cover with base and cure2 16 build up the edge of the gel3 00 cure in lamp3 14 apply poly gel and cure4 52 put some sparkles and cure in lamp5 44 apply gel and cure6 20 remove the sticky layer6 26 fill the nails7 12 cover with top and cure8 04 spread the gel in the form of drops9 40 cure in lampDid you enjoy my video LIKE it if you did Leave your comments questions and suggestions I ll be happy to help you Relevant hashtags longnails nailsextensions nailart




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