Lemon Verbena-Lime Tiramisu / 30min Dessert –Bruno Albouze–THE REAL DEAL

by Bruno Albouze

Lemon Verbena-Lime Tiramisu / 30min Dessert –Bruno Albouze–THE REAL DEAL


A one of a kind Tiramisu family version An easy to follow steps recipe achievable in less than 30 minutes A Christophe Michalak inspired recipe Lemon Verbena Lime Tiramisu RecipeServes 8 Bottom LayerChopped poached lemons or a mixture of crushed raspberries and strawberry Top with mascarpone filling Second LayerLadyfinguer cookies soaked in lemon verbena lime light syrup Third LayerStrawberries about a pound 450g slicedRaspberries about a third of a pound 150g halved Fourth LayerMascarpone filling GarnishingMascarpone filling dollops Tea macha dusting Strawberries Rasperries halves dusted with powdered sugar Poached lemons strips Lemon verbena greens and flowers or fresh mint Lemon Verbena Lime Light Syrup 1 cup 250g water0 4 cup 90g sugarZest from one limeA few lemon verbena greens Bring water sugar and zest to a boil Add lemon verbena greens turn heat off cover and let infuse 15 min or best overnight Drain and set aside Mascarpone Filling1 4 cup 350g heavy cream cold infused with one lime zest and a few lemon verbena greens optional 12 ounces 350g mascarpone 3 ea 150g eggs pasteurized if desired0 6 cup 120g sugar In a chilled mixing bowl beat together cream mascarpone eggs and sugar on medium speed better beaten slowly until medium firm peaks Serve the finished tiramisu chilled It can be kept refrigerated for up to 3 days Enjoy



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