Make-Ahead Microwave Mug Meals (Mug Blondie, Fettuccini Alfredo, Chili & More!)

by Gemma Stafford

Make-Ahead Microwave Mug Meals (Mug Blondie, Fettuccini Alfredo, Chili & More!)


Hi Bold Bakers Enjoy delicious Microwave Mug Meals in minutes with my 5 NEW Make Ahead Mug Meals including a Mug Blondie Mug Fettuccini Alfredo Mug Chili More Plus for a limited time get a FREE copy of my Gemma s Mug Meals E book So let s get micro baking ABOUT GEMMAHi Bold Bakers I m Gemma Stafford a professional chef originally from Ireland and I m passionate about sharing my years of baking experience to show you how to make simple game changing baking recipes with over the top results Join millions of other Bold Bakers in the community for new videos at 8 30am Pacific Time every Monday Thursday FOLLOW ME HERE BOLD BAKERS GET THE WRITTEN RECIPES includes instructions and measurements Gemma s Bigger Bolder Baking Ep 189 FREE E BOOK is for a limited time only and requires a valid email address to receive it




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