Making A (Modern!) Edwardian Walking Skirt || Historical Style

by Bernadette Banner

Making A (Modern!) Edwardian Walking Skirt || Historical Style


The next addition to my growing neo historical wardrobe is this an adaptation of the Edwardian walking skirt By the way yes the pins did come out of the hem after I had pressed it all into place 0 10 would not recommend wearing your clothes with pins still in Shoes worn in the final shots are the Gibson style from American Duchess MATERIAL SOURCES Stripe cotton Prime Fabrics NYC Flat lining Amin Fabrics NYC Stiffener cotton Grey Lines Linen NYCMUSIC Maple Leaf Rag by E s Jammy Jams YouTube Audio LibraryYou re free to use this song in any of your videos but you must include the following in your video description Additional cinematography and final pictures by Hana DeHartQuestions comments corrections Do please write them down below Instagram bernadettebanner




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