My Husky thinks she is my babies Mum!!

by milperthusky

My Husky thinks she is my babies Mum!!


Hello all I know some of you may complain about a few clips being reused but every month we try post a video of the best clips of the growth of our family and the bond between Millie and Parker Millie was just as crazy as rupert but when she had puppies a few years ago that all changed She turned into the most beautiful kindest maternal dog in the world Not only with dogs or adult humans but any other animals any babies She learnt instantly how to be around someone or something smaller than her Rupert my Male loves my children too but he s so over exited we have to be a lot more careful around the children Just for anybody that doesn t know I would never ever leave my children unattended with my dogs also for the licking because I know it s coming my dogs are clean I m sure it s a small risk even though we from England not as many deceases here but if my dogs have been for a walk or just eaten or been sick etc they are not around my children I m not stupid But other times the odd lick in my opinion isn t a problem Everybody in this world is different different countries different religions and different up bringings But what I ask is to respect everybody we are all different I m not claiming to know everything about dogs and babies it s all a learning curve for us all Anyway kind of takes away the fact this video melts hearts all over the world and helps create happiness and smiles for people that needs it Someone may be feeling low in life and for me knowing seeing this video helps bring smiles to peoples faces makes me so happy and it all so worth it Enjoy everybody Thanks for listening



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