NEW IN MY WARDROBE - Dior, Chloe, Balenciaga, Jimmy Choo and More

by Inthefrow

NEW IN MY WARDROBE -  Dior, Chloe, Balenciaga, Jimmy Choo and More


NEW IN MY WARDROBE The newest items in my wardrobe added over the last few months from Dior Chloe Balenciaga Jimmy Choo and lots more including some sustainable fashion brands I ve recently discovered too Hope you enjoy my loves a good old fashion chat about fashion I receive a small of commission from anything bought via the product links below It doesn t cost you any more and is a little thank you to me I guess for inspiring a possible purchase All items apart from the Dior scarf are PR gifts or discounted as I explain in the video This is due to the work I m lucky enough to do New In My Wardrobe What I m Wearing What s on My Face All beauty items are PR gifts Find Me Music by Epidemic Sound www epidemicsound com Thank you so much for watching and for the support always Love you guys so much



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