Paper Quilling Snowflake - Step-by-Step Tutorial - Christmas Crafts

by Creative Paper

Paper Quilling Snowflake - Step-by-Step Tutorial - Christmas Crafts


In this video I will show you how to make a beautiful quilling snowflake out of paper Christmas and New Year 2019 are coming soon so you need to start preparing for these holidays And what a holiday without decorations Christmas entourage and a magical atmosphere Hang on a Christmas tree steal the gift of a wonderful quilling snowflake The video used 3mm wide quilling paper scissors needles glue quilling tools and a needle mat Subscribe to a video channel on YouTube If this video was helpful to you click LIKE



簡単!3つポケットがある小銭入れの作り方! 3 Pocket...

  • by atelierRuth 772

【訂正】動画の終盤(9:57)まつり縫いではなく、 ” コの字綴じ ” です。 ポケットが3つもある、機能性抜群な小銭入れです😃👍 極厚の接着芯を使うので、弾力のあるしっかりとした作りで、小銭が隙間から出なく、収まりの良いお財布です✨


  • by まーくんと猫 578
