Paralyzed Dachshund Eats Dinner with Her Mom Every Single Night | The Dodo Soulmates

by The Dodo

Paralyzed Dachshund Eats Dinner with Her Mom Every Single Night | The Dodo Soulmates


On this episode of Soulmates we re dining with Pandora a dachshund affected by intervertebral disc disease and her mom Marissa Marissa helped Pandora through her recovery and Pandora helped Marissa through her substance abuse recovery Today they have an unbreakable bond and want to show the world that there is life after paralysis Follow The Dodo For the love of animals Pass it on thedodo animals dog cat kitten puppy




  • by Pastel Cat World 559

4月に種を蒔いたシロバナタンポポ花壇。 その後待てど暮らせど、一向に芽が出て来る様子が無かったので半分諦めかけていましたが、種蒔きから2か月が経過してようやくポツポツそれらしい芽が出はじめ、最近は徐々に葉っぱがタンポポらしくなってきました。