美食台 | 不做這道菜,不知自己手藝有多好!
蔬菜和肉糜的搭配中,釀菜算是最經典的壹種。香菇、苦瓜、茄子拿來釀肉都不稀奇,但是豆角釀肉想必很多人沒見過,像編花環壹樣把長豇豆編成容器,釀入肉糜,稍稍煎壹下就很好吃,做起來簡單又好玩,絕對讓妳對自己的手藝充滿自信! Among all the combinat...
Check out how to use the new Limited Edition Brush Goals makeup brush set from Real Techniques for every brush you need to get a glam eye and frosted finish Nic from Pixiwoo shows you how to get a pink glittery party glam eye perfect for this time of year Start the glam party makeup by buffing in primer and foundation using the Ultimate Buffing Brush from the Brush Goals collection For areas that need more coverage push the foundation over the areas with the brush Using the Blending Crease Brush blend in glittery eyeshadow all over the eyelid Blend in eyeliner with the Full Coverage Eye Brush for a softer winged look Apply mascara to make the lashes pop Take the Expert Concealer Brush and apply concealer in areas where any redness occurs Apply a pop of colour to the cheeks using the Ultimate Buffing Brush again On top of that add some highlighter with the Fan Brush Finish off the makeup look with a nude sparkly lip Click the link above to shop the Limited Edition Brush Goals from Real Techniques
蔬菜和肉糜的搭配中,釀菜算是最經典的壹種。香菇、苦瓜、茄子拿來釀肉都不稀奇,但是豆角釀肉想必很多人沒見過,像編花環壹樣把長豇豆編成容器,釀入肉糜,稍稍煎壹下就很好吃,做起來簡單又好玩,絕對讓妳對自己的手藝充滿自信! Among all the combinat...
Chinese Fried Rice is a simple and yet difficult to master dish. Once you get the hang of it, you can fry this super yummy easy me...
Интернет-магазин маникюрных радостей ODIVA.RU
Buy the kit here: https://liagriffith.com/product/lia-griffith-air-plant-frosted-paper-flower-kit/ (Also available on Amazon!)
今回は人気韓国YouTuberのヨンジュちゃんとひよんちゃんのコラボ動画第1弾! ひよんちゃんが日本のコスメをヨンジュちゃんに ヨンジュちゃんが韓国コスメをひよんちゃんに プレゼントして実際にレビュー!
Welcome to day four of my version of Vlogmas 2019! I will be sharing a video every other day leading up until Christmas! Today I ...
目標 1. Ch登録者数5万人 2. キッチンカー購入 3. 2.で旅をする (その後は想像を掻き立ててください。笑) #美味しんぼ日記 #ロールケーキ #オーブンなし 4. YouTube週2〜3日更新 目標達成できるように頑張ります...
10 Cool Ideas for Halloween Parties 👻 Halloween Makeup Tutorial 2018 Thanks for watching! Please like and subscribe - http://bit.l...
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