PLAN WITH ME | February 2019 Bullet Journal Setup

by AmandaRachLee

PLAN WITH ME | February 2019 Bullet Journal Setup


Who s ready to plan with me and set up their February Bullet Journal Cherry blossoms galore Start your free trial and enter code amandarachlee to get 10 off your first purchase I N S P I R A T I O NHere are some pinterest photos that inspired me Some other cherry blossom themed bullet journals that I loved F O L L O W M EBusiness Inquiries amandarachlee gmail com M Y S U P P L I E SUse code AMANDA10 for 10 off Links are affiliate I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you Editor Kassy GaschoAnimation Design Sirana Huang D I S C L A I M E RThis video is sponsored by Squarespace



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