Pots, Paths & Flowers, Painting with Polymer Clay, a Brooch Tutorial

by Fiona Abel-Smith PolyOriginals

Pots, Paths & Flowers, Painting with Polymer Clay, a Brooch Tutorial


You can have such fun with this design and make your own little impressionist picture of pots with colourful flowers This painting with Polymer Clay technique is suitable for complete beginners to experienced clayers and needs no artistic ability I take you step by step through the whole process so sit back relax and enjoy watching how this picture is created I also provide links to other information such as converting your brooch into a pendant All the links are listed below I hope you enjoy this tutorial and look forward to seeing pictures of what you have created Here are links to some of my videos where I use a polymer clay bale The music from the video is English Country Garden by Aaron Kenny and is available from the YouTube Free Audio Library Thank you so much for watching



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