Release Little Orphaned Koala Who Lives Lonely After Lossing Mom


Release Little Orphaned Koala Who Lives Lonely After Lossing Mom


Release Little Orphaned Koala Who Lives Lonely After Lossing MomMeet Kate an orphaned koala living in a zoo She and her mom were rescued from the bushfire then they lived in a zoo in Aussie until she was 8 months old Her mom got a severe sick and unluckily passed away after that This is Kate alone after her mom died Although she was sad she still kept moving on her life Kate is such a nice and sweet girl She really enjoys playing with staff at the zoo She continues living in the zoo until she pass 1 year old Time to release Kate has came She still looks so little and innocent However she looks so excited and happy to be released back to the bush Good luck Kate RescueKoala Bushfire SavePaws Koala Australia SaveYourPaws



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