SEW DIY FABRIC FACE MASK, Adult + Child size

by MADE Everyday

SEW DIY FABRIC FACE MASK, Adult + Child size


SIZE CHART Children Adults 14 years Adult FABRIC 9 x 8 23 x 20 cm TIES 18 each 46 cm 9 13 years old FABRIC 8 5 x 7 5 22 x 19 cm TIES 17 each 43 cm 5 8 years old FABRIC 8 x7 20 x 18 cm TIES 16 each 41 cm 3 5 years old FABRIC 7 x6 18 x 15 cm TIES 15 each 38 cm GET A FREE 1 PAGE PRINTABLE OF HOW TO MAKE A MASK with size chart included on my site PLEASE READ IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT MAKING WEARING MASKS A homemade face mask is not a replacement for medical PPE Personal Protective Equipment Wearing a homemade face mask does not protect you or others from the virus It can help which is why the CDC recommends wearing one when going to the grocery store or pharmacy but it is only a semi protective barrier Here is a great article about the best fabrics to use when sewing a face mask WHEN MAKING MASKS Use clean cotton fabric that is tightly woven on both sides and sew on a clean work surface Wash your hands before sewing Do not make masks if you are feeling sick IF YOU WEAR A MASK IN PUBLIC When you get to your car take the mask off without touching the front of the mask and place it in a bag You may use a fabric bag or pillowcase for this so when you get home you can wash everything together If you wear gloves to the store pull those off from the inside out and place them in the bag also When you get home WASH your hands for 20 seconds Wash the mask in a washing machine Throw away the gloves if they are disposable Disinfect your car by wiping down the things you touched your steering wheel keys phone credit card doorknob to the house when you came in INFO FOR ADDING FILTER POCKET IN THE VIDEO PREWASH DRY all fabrics before sewing so they pre shrink Cut 2 pieces of cotton fabric 9 x 8 inches WxH 23 x 20 cm Cut 4 ties 18 inches long each 46 cm Finished height after pleating should be 3 inches tall I ve tried different styles and this method is my favorite with 4 stretchy ties The mask covers the mouth and nose well it s easy to make and uses ties rather than elastic for a comfy and adjustable fit Just cut strips of knit fabric or cut up an old t shirt or leggings There s also an opening at the bottom of the mask so a filter piece can be added in INFO ABOUT KNIT FABRICS The best kind of knits for this will have a bit of spandex in them Just look at the raw edge of the fabric If it s already rolling up a bit then it s going to work Try using a stretchy soft t shirt not the cheap free T shirt stuff you might have from an event Or use a pair of worn out leggings the Cat and Jack ones from Target work GREAT AND IF IT S NOT ROLLING UP YOU CAN STILL USE IT The ties won t be as stretchy but they will still stay nice on the head because of the texture of the fabric which doesn t slip on the hair as much as ribbon or other fabrics Maybe cut them a little longer 20 inches since they won t stretch I hope you re all safe and well Love from Texas WARNING This is an educational tutorial only This tutorial design or any product created therefrom is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used to create a medical or similar device This tutorial design or any product created therefrom is not intended nor has it been tested to reduce or eliminate the transmission of any respiratory or airborne pathogen allergen or any type of particle or droplet and on that basis should not be used for any such purpose Dana Made Inc MADEEVERYDAY com and Dana Willard make no warranties express or implied that this tutorial design or any product created therefrom is intended or is suitable for use to reduce or eliminate the transmission of any respiratory or airborne pathogen allergen or any type of particle or droplet Any user of this tutorial design or any product created therefrom for anything other than educational purposes assumes the risk of serious injury or death For information on how to reduce the transmission of pathogens please consult a qualified and competent health care professional



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