Shrimp and Broccoli in Garlic Sauce, one sauce for many dishes 蒜香西兰花炒虾,一调料多用

by ChineseHealthyCook

Shrimp and Broccoli in Garlic Sauce, one sauce for many dishes 蒜香西兰花炒虾,一调料多用


Shrimp and Broccoli in Garlic Sauce 蒜香西兰花炒虾Hi everyone Please try the garlic sauce to make this dish and many more It s easy to make and tastes delicious Thank you 大家好 请试试这蒜香调料 也可以用来做其他菜 谢谢 Ling8 shrimp1 2 pound broccoli For the garlic sauce 5 cloves garlic mincedWhite part of green onion 1 tsp corn starch 1 tbsp light soy sauce1 4 cup waterDrizzles of sesame oilCooking oil vegetable oilElectric Hot PotDual Sided Hot PotPans12 Inch Stir Fry Pan14 Inch Stir Fry10 Inch and 12 Inch Skillets3 1 2 Quart SaucepanRice CookerCamerasCanon EOS Canon EOS 70DCanon EOS Canon T3i




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