Olhem isso!!!! Sem palavras!!!...
Créditos do vídeo vai para @w.k.lovelybird, parabéns pelo trabalho lindo!!!
just adding blobs of bright paint on paper can be such a creativity booster i call this painting rainbow tree but yours doesn t need to be something in particular just drop some color and repeat please scroll down for the LIST OF SUPPLIES watercolor loosepainting creativeexerciseL I S T O F S U P P L I E S 140lb cold press cotton watercolor paper Bee Paper watercolor paints from Gold Class Mission set by Mijello permanent yellow light yellow orange bright opera red violet olive green peacock blue sepia van dyke green 1 4 flat brush Princeton Neptune and 20 0 liner petite brush Princeton Select Petite F O L L O W C R É A T I O N S C E E C E E business inquiries catherine creationsceecee comP O B O XCréations CeeCee 54 Cité des Jeunes Suite 102B 347 Vaudreuil Dorion QC J7V 9L5CanadaF I L M I N G S E T U Pi have an overhead set up with the video camera mounted on a long reach tripod what was part of a soft box lighting systemvideo camera Panasonic HC V7701350W photography studio soft box lighting kit Mountdog A F F I L I A T E L I N K SLinks in this description and supplies list may be affiliates which means you won t pay extra but we will get a a small commission thank you for supporting this channel M U S I C I N T H I S V I D E O imaginary friends by Oomiee now you sail away instr version by OTE rico by Jobii pacific crossing by Epidemic sound
Créditos do vídeo vai para @w.k.lovelybird, parabéns pelo trabalho lindo!!!
What if i told you its your powder thats causing your foundation to change colour!
▽ 영상 아래 더보기 클릭 ! ('구독'과 '좋아요' 감사합니다 ☺)
今回は、ジブリアニメの 『借りぐらしのアリエッティ』 でお父さんがパンに大きな穴あきチーズを載せて窯で焼くチーズパンと木の器で頂くブロッコリーの入ったクリームシチューを作ってみました。 雰囲気が出るように食材、食器、BGM等を選んで制作しておりますのでお楽しみ...
I just returned from a quick trip to Catania, Sicily to rescue EDNA, a beautiful dog with hydrocephalus rescued from the road to t...
'Tis the season to be Jolly! And also 100% the season for baking! This recipe is an absolute MUST for your Christmas baking repert...
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