SOAP CARVING | Seashell | Easy | How to make | ASMR | DIY | Satisfying |

by mizutama.soap

SOAP CARVING | Seashell | Easy | How to make | ASMR | DIY | Satisfying |


This video shows you how to carve a seashell out of soap ukiran sabun tallado de jabón escultura em sabonete แกะสล กสบ карвинг мыло الصابون نحت sapone intaglio Materials needed carving knife paring knife soap bar spoon needle toothpick seashell template download below My Etsy shop soap carving supplies About soap bars For carving I use commercial soap bars I buy them at a store that sells soap well Because I want to buy soap bars manufactured recently It s easy to carve a fresh and soft soap bar TIP When the soap is cold and hard warm it in a microwave for 10 to 15 seconds Then the soap bar get a little soft Sound wave3 Thank you for watcing I hope you enjoy it




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