Spider and spider webs earrings - Ideas for Halloween jewelry from copper wire 418

by Lan Anh Handmade

Spider and spider webs earrings - Ideas for Halloween jewelry from copper wire 418


Spider and spider webs earrings Ideas for Halloween jewelry from copper wire Another Halloween season again every year to this occasion I started from the spiders This earring can be used on either side of the same or different With this form you can use any type of wire or wire size you have Smaller diameter wires are easier to handle but they are less durable than larger wires In the video I use 20 gauge wire diameter 0 8mm 2 x 4cm 1 5 inch 2 x 4 5cm 2 inch 21 gauge wire diameter 0 7mm 4 x 1 5cm 0 6 inch 28 gauge wire diameter 0 3mm 30cm 12 inch 40cm 16 inch The stone is 6mm in diameterTIPS Before doing Always be sure to straighten the wire for a more beautiful product Can use a towel to straighten the wire Can be replaced with silver wire or gold wire for jewelry more valuableOr simply use cheap material like copper wire to make gifts for friends family or for yourself I just give way reference not the best way Can change size wire to suit your purpose You can do better than me



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