Spinach the Kitten Has Pectus Excavatum

by Kitten Lady

Spinach the Kitten Has Pectus Excavatum


Spinach is a very special kitten who was born with two congenital conditions pectus excavatum and eyelid agenesis Learn all about her conditions her life and her friendship with another special kitten Please see a veterinarian if you think your kitten might have a health condition Follow Kitten Lady on social media




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🌸musubiyorカレンダー2019の詳細、予約はこちらをご覧ください →http://musubiyori.com/archives/4014 ✱Line@:猫好きなお友達募集中! 更新情報やYoutubeのやり方など、気軽にお送りします^^ ...

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