StayHome and Paint WithMe Amazing Gradation PaintSkill / 染付 加藤真雪 眞窯 Painter Mayuki Kato Shingama

by ツクリテチャンネル瀬戸 Creator's channel Seto

StayHome and Paint WithMe Amazing Gradation PaintSkill / 染付 加藤真雪 眞窯  Painter Mayuki Kato  Shingama


URLinstagramfacebook1919年創業の瀬戸の窯元 眞窯にうまれ 染付け窯屋をコンセプトに多くの作品を生み出してきました 絵付けでは染付特有の 濃 ダミ という技法を駆使します 太く大きな筆から呉須をスポイトのように流し出し 陶器の表面に絵を施していきます 墨絵のように藍一色だけで様々な濃淡の青を表現できる多様さは他の器にはない美しさ 時間をかけて習得されたクラフトマンの技術だけが 藍色の美しさをより際立たせます I was born at Shingama pottery in Seto founded in1919 I have created many products up to the present with sometsuke pottery as my concept For sometsuke painting indigo dyeing I utilize a technique called dami which is a characteristic of dyeing Gosu is poured out from a large thick brush like from a syringe and is painted on the surface of the porcelain As in ink painting the variety that can be expressed with the various shades of blue using the single color of indigo is beauty not found in other pottery Only the skill of craftsmen learned over many years can make the beauty of indigo really stand out BGM creditArms of Heaven Aakash GandhiPush Me Twin MusicomDancing Star Aakash GandhiA Quiet Thought Wayne Jones StayHome And Paint WithMePhoto creditNanako Kawai河合 菜々子



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