아슬아슬 초고층 장난감에 고양이들이 난리가 났어요
오늘도 신나는 고양이 놀이터 시간. 고양이들에게 멋있는 구슬 장난감을 만들어 주었어요. 아슬아슬한 장난감이 고양이들 앞에서 얼마나 버텨줄 수 있을까요?
かわうそ1ねんせいのはなちゃんと2ねんせいのこたろーくん はなちゃんはじぶんのなふだをげっとー さっそくころがしてこたろーくんのおひるねをじゃまするのだ あーなんだかねむくなってきちゃった あたまになふだつけたらみんなになまえおぼえてもらえるかなあ っていつのまにかすねおへあーになっとるやないかーい Hello We live in Japan with two Asian Small Clawed Otters Kotaro Male DOB 11 10 2017Kotaro has a scar on his tail from being bitten by another otter when he was still a baby Hana Female DOB 11 24 2018They have been toilet trained they use a special pad that is designed for small dogs Since I m using a translation function my sentences might come out strange Please provide me with corrections if anything is translated improperly カワウソ コタロー otter ペット かわうそ ハナ
오늘도 신나는 고양이 놀이터 시간. 고양이들에게 멋있는 구슬 장난감을 만들어 주었어요. 아슬아슬한 장난감이 고양이들 앞에서 얼마나 버텨줄 수 있을까요?
Hey guys and welcome to this weeks video thank you guys for the brilliant suggestions in video ideas keep them coming, and i hope ...
Hi my loves! Wow, what a massive video this was for me to film. Just want to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you for...
Всем привет! В этом видео хочу рассказать чем отличаются скульпторы от бронзеров, а так же как и куда их правильно наносить!
These super funny animal videos are the hardest try not to laugh challenge ever! So super funny moments of pets and animals. You w...
美國英國缺貨缺很大的是SLOW RIDE這個色 估計台灣也同樣會很迅速缺貨XD 不過除了SLOW RIDE之外還有很多顏色都非常美, 也更適合日常使用喔 ✌ More Catie ⇊ -------------------------------------...
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