Leaving & Starting Anew //

by cozykitsune

Leaving & Starting Anew //


Hope you guys are as excited for this new adventure as I am Let me know if you have any video requests Happy Holidays Stay Cozy 00 56 moving to japan why when1 36 why i kept it secret2 42 why i ve been inactive5 34 why i deleted my old posts7 46 the new username8 33 what to expect from now on9 01 selling my clothes on depop o u t f i t m u s i c intro kingdom hearts dearly beloved u s e r n a m e きつね kitsune sounds like key tsue nehjapanese for fox i n s t a g r a m b u s i n e s s e m a i lmckenna kaelin yahoo com this video is not sponsored xx




  • by macaroni | マカロニ 1020

秋に食べたい和スイーツ。「基本の月見団子」のレシピと作り方を動画でご紹介します。だんご粉を使って作る月見団子です。生地をこねて丸めてゆでるだけなので、とっても簡単に作ることができますよ♪ きな粉やあんこ、黒みつなどお好みのトッピングでお召し上がりください!