SAX ON THE BEACH ! - The Scra...
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Hey guys The second I saw this little shadow box at JoAnn Craft Fabric store I knew it would be perfect to retrofit into a succulent planter It was super easy and didn t require quite as many succulent cuttings as some of my other projects To care for this type of arrangement I take it down off the wall lay it flat water it just enough to moisten the moss but not excessively there is no drainage tip it slightly to drain any excess water then hang it back up I find watering with a large syringe makes it quite a bit easier Succulent cuttings root easily into sphagnum moss and can live in this sort of arrangement for quite a long time I would expect to get up to a year out of this arrangement without any major overhaul just minor grooming I also picked up the little wood cut out at JoAnn s as well then hand wrote the Welcome so you could make it into whatever kind of sign you want Thanks so much for watching Laura Other supplies Plastic to protect woodWire CuttersStaple GunHot Glue GunScrewdriver or pen Follow us Here Email contact gardenanswer comMailing Address Garden Answer580 S Oregon StOntario Oregon 97914Brands we partner with
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DIY ROOM DECOR! 4 Easy Crafts Ideas at Home
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How to make a crystal from an epoxy resin in a very easy way My store: Support/JOIN...
Em mais um biquíni que confeccionamos juntas aqui no canal, mostro o Método de Modelagem de Moda Praia que utilizo para fazer meus...
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