The Most Talented Cat in the WORLD lives in Australia (Compilation)


The Most Talented Cat in the WORLD lives in Australia (Compilation)


Best Of Didga Did ja the CAT I ve been filming Didga doing all sorts of amazing things for the last 7 years all that footage was spread out between my social accounts I ve compiled all the best clips into this one video Didga has a very high food drive and I m a professional animal trainer purrfect combo she is helping me spread the word about being a responsible cat parent She s from the shelter y all ADOPT DON T SHOP Thanks for following my catsThanks for all the supportRobert Didga Boomer Bindi and Jeb




  • by ポムさんとしまちゃん / ねこべや。 660

動画を楽しみにしてくている方々2日もお待たせしてすみません! 近々、仕事で県外に行くのでその準備でばたばたしていました^^; あと、ツイッターでのお休み報告を忘れてすみません!猛省します…。

오늘도 고양이랑 한잔 : 황태와 맥주

  • by 크림히어로즈 1267

고양이와 함께하는 집사의 술 먹방 시간! 황태의 짠기를 빼서 고양이들도 먹을 수 있는 안주를 만들었어요. 집사와 고양이의 일상을 함께해주세요!

「絶対笑う」最高におもしろ犬,猫,動物のハプニング, 失敗画...

  • by Best Awesome 1031

犬, 猫、動物の ハプニング、失敗を動画を一つにまとめてみました♪これで笑ってください!!涙が出るぐらい、面白くて、とっても、愛くるしんです。 当チャンネルは、動物好きな私が、動物好きな人と、可愛い動物や、おもしろい動物の動画を共有したいがために立ち上げたもの...