These Stoat Kits Are Ready To Go Outdoors | Weasel Wildlife Rehabilitation

by Robert E Fuller

These Stoat Kits Are Ready To Go Outdoors | Weasel Wildlife Rehabilitation


Whisper Stuart the stoat kits I ve been caring for have taken the next step towards a life in the wild At 9 weeks old they were climbing fighting and playing with increasing confidence an indication that they were ready for this next adventure and so this week I moved them to a new outdoor enclosure Catching them wasn t easy Stuart who has had minimal contact with me since he arrived here hid under a blanket Watch this short film to see the trouble I had coaxing him out The new enclosure has branches and a drystone wall for these young kits to explore It also has a warm cosy nest rigged with cameras so that I will be able to watch their progress from my art studio From now on the plan is to get them to become more stoat and less human and so I intend to be as hands off as possible About Me I am a British wildlife artist based in Thixendale North Yorkshire I use nestcams to study animal behaviour so that I can capture the individual characters of my wild subjects in paint I ve shared the best of my video research for free on this channel I hope you enjoy it




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