This Rescue Duckling Loves to Dive In The Pool With His Mom | The Dodo Soulmates

by The Dodo

This Rescue Duckling Loves to Dive In The Pool With His Mom | The Dodo Soulmates


When Danielle rescued a sick duckling at Freedom Farm Sanctuary in Israel she took care of him until he got stronger and tried every day to reintroduce him to his mom and siblings But Danielle soon realized little May the duckling had imprinted on her and considers her to be his mom Now Danielle and May hang out 24 7 and love to jump in the pool together Follow The Dodo For the love of animals Pass it on thedodo animals duck




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お久しぶりです!!!!!!! リクエストの多かった画材紹介と下書きから見たい!というのを一緒に動画にしました!画材紹介はそんなにできてない気もしますが・・ 今回は説明付きで動画にしてみました。お役に立てたら嬉しいです^_^ BGM:1. 春に一番近い街 2....

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家族との再会に大喜びするワンコの動画です。 よほど嬉しいのか、絶え間なく鳴きつづけています。 せつない鳴き声にもらい泣きしそう 絶対に変わることなくあなたを見つめ続け、 決して裏切らず、恩を忘れない、誠実な友。 それは、あなたの犬なのです。