Unboxing the BERNINA 770 QE | 20 fun facts about myself

by Sugaridoo

Unboxing the BERNINA 770 QE | 20 fun facts about myself


So this happened A few months ago BERNINA called me and asked me if I was interested in trying out the BERNINA 770QE I wasn t in the market for a new sewing machine really but I was also very curious how it would be different from my Janome So I visited a BERNINA instructor and got a whole afternoon to play with it Aaand I kinda fell in love So two weeks ago I got some boxes in the mail And now I can finally tell you that I teamed up with BERNINA Whoohoo I m a BERNINA ambasador which means that I ll be working on the 770QE from now on AND that I m hosting a super fun quilt along starting in October or November on the BERNINA blog and here on my YouTube channel Just wanted to let you know I m not being payed to do this I m always honest and open with you guys about what I show on my channel Any suggestions on what to mane this new machine xo IreneSign up for my newsletter to know when the quilt along will start S U G A R I D O O S A M P L E R This is my first book a massive bundle of paper piecing patterns my sugaridoo baby was published in Dutch and has already sold out it is still available as e book in EN and NL and will be published in English someday I dream big If you are or know anyone who wants to publish it in feel free to let me know T R E E T R E E H O U S E P A T T E R NOrder your quilt kit here and here Where to find Sugaridoo Sugaridoo Sampler The Sugaridoo Sampler e book is a huge collection of paper piecing patterns Credits I received a fabric bundle this video doesn t include pay Business inquiries Would you like to work together with Sugaridoo Feel free to contact me at info sugaridoo comPs the animation of the sewing machine in this video is not my own if you know who I should credit let me know




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