Updated Hair Routine (Summer 2019)

by Rachel Talbott

Updated Hair Routine (Summer 2019)


Hey guys This has been my hair routine for the past few weeks In the summer I love to step up my oil and scalp treatments Also since my hair is naturally wavy it tends to be my favorite hair style I m happy I found this wave styler because I think it takes my natural hair to that next level I always love simple additions that make a huge difference Add a little bit of coconut oil to your hair and let it sit overnight or for as long as possible Green Tea Jasmine Hair Rinse Steep 2 bags of Green Jasmine Tea I used regular green tea and let jasmine flowers from my garden infuse into the tea for 2 hrs Store in the fridge for a wonderful summer finishing hair rinse You can use this after conditioning your hair It should last in the fridge for up to 3 rinses DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO




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