Vietnam street food - Cooking 1000 Grasshoppers for 4 People Family Dinner Meal in Vietnam

by Raw Street Capture 101

Vietnam street food - Cooking 1000 Grasshoppers for 4 People Family Dinner Meal in Vietnam


To many foreigners Vietnam food or Vietnam street food in particular is considered weird and exotic I must say it is true but in a good way Street food in Vietnam is organic and healthy as far as I can tell They serve insects on the menu in Vietnam Today I try grasshoppers dish for the first time which is Roasted grasshoppers a delicacy from the rice harvest in Vietnam Grasshoppers or locusts are tasty and crunchy containing high nutritional value It s very time consuming to make grasshopper dishes for 4 people family dinner meal Boiled water is poured over the grasshoppers in order to remove their wings The long antennas hard legs and organs are removed After that the grasshoppers with or without their heads are mixed with salt rinsed and then left to dry before being cooked Grasshoppers are roasted in a pan until they turn deep brown Sliced lemon leaves will be added Why do I say this is organic Here is why Grasshoppers can be found in the fields all year round However they are especially abundant during rice harvest season from May to September They are also usually a lot fatter Subscribe for new episode of Vietnamese street food every week



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