Waterfall landscape Japan // Gouache painting

by Sandra Ruberto

Waterfall landscape Japan // Gouache painting


It has been a while since I ve posted a gouache painting and sharing with you the painting process I missed sharing these kind of videos I shortly included my creative process as well from rough sketch of the first idea and composition for this piece sketch line art small colour thumbnail tests to decide the colour composition to final illustration Hope you enjoy This piece was inspired by old Japanese prints by Hokusai and Tsubaki flowers More waterfall landscape gouache paintings are coming soon Check my instagram to see the complete series of waterfalls I made Where to find me Art tool I used Royal Talens extra fine quality gouache Hahnemühle watercolour paper Torchon 275 gsm Synthetic paint brushes by Jax hair Gerstaecker Ergonomic Mini Extra Long Liner Tip Brushes Vintage porcelain plate from a second hand store in my city Music From Youtube Audio Library Songs Mizuki Shibuya Gold CoastArtist Bad Snacks Enzalla Cobalt by Broken EleganceThis song is under the following creative commons license



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