When Midas met Amara, a mousy love story

by CreekValleyCritters

When Midas met Amara, a mousy love story


Amara was a very restless mouse when she was young always on the go and wanting to ride around on my shoulder to see the world When I moved her into the new mousery she became even more needy There was something big missing in her life she needed love desperately Then came Midas I had originally given him to my intern Rachel but he developed an ear issue common in un neutered male mice and had to come back to me for treatment Un neutered males must live alone and this can be very hard on them He was overly needy and affectionate towards humans and not good with other mice We decided that Amara and Midas could help each other out and after neutering and careful introductions they are now the best of friends Midas is still affectionate towards humans but not nearly as obsessively and Amara is much calmer and no longer so restless and needy They are such happy little mice and even more so since Midas s mom Faye joined the group Mice really do need to live with company



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