Paint Night with Plaid
Grab your supplies & fave sips and learn to paint. This is our official kickoff to our monthly series, Paint Night with Plaid, whe...
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Grab your supplies & fave sips and learn to paint. This is our official kickoff to our monthly series, Paint Night with Plaid, whe...
Day 7 of the Holiday Card Series 2019. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week...
Today, I'm getting ready for the day using the new Natasha Denona Glam eyeshadow palette! This is the first look I created and so ...
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In this video I will show you how to use different techniques to create complex landscape design on cookies. The first step of ici...
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「甘えん坊の犬」抱っこして♡ 飼い主に甘える犬が超可愛い 甘えん坊の犬を動画を一つにまとめてみました♪これで笑ってください!!涙が出るぐらい、面白くて、とっても、愛くるしんです 当チャンネルは、動物好きな私が、動物好きな人と、可愛い動物や、おもしろい動物の動画...
以前も紹介したことのあるコサージュの編み方ですが、 動画にミスがあったので、改めて動画を撮りなおしました。
PART 2 SUBSCRIBE to JEFFREE Me & Jeffree’s Video on his chan...
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