
by ひのき猫



オチはないのですが パペットみたいな豆大福を見ているだけでかわいいです 猫じゃらしよりも短いお手手で遊ぶ様子に癒されます



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I got a new camera and we check up on the puppies! They don't seem to like their milk.. DANIEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC...

The Art of Making a Tapestry

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Learn how tapestries were made in the time of Louis XIV and are still made today. Explore the process of tapestry weaving at the G...

츄츄 루루와 함께 산책을 나가요!

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오늘은 츄츄 루루와 함께 공원에 산책을 다녀왔어요. 짧은 시간이었지만 야옹이들과 시원한 바깥공기를 마실 수 있어서 정말 좋았어요. 다음엔 꽃이 필 때 야옹이들과 한 번 나와야겠어요.